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Главная » 2020 » Февраль » 17 » VIDEO - In English - Head International Center of Expertise Reparations Martik Gasparyan awarding Garo Paylan Nobel Prize
VIDEO - In English - Head International Center of Expertise Reparations Martik Gasparyan awarding Garo Paylan Nobel Prize

ARMINFOCENTER: In English - The Appeal of the Head of the International Independent Legal and Scientific Center of Evaluation and Expertise for Reparations and Restitutions academician Martik Gasparyan for awarding Garo Paylan with Nobel Peace Prize 2020

Dear compatriots, friends, people of good will!

My name is Martik Gasparyan and I am the head of the International Independent Legal and Scientific Center of Accounting, Analysis, Inventory, Audit, Qualimetric Evaluation and Judicial Expertise of Material and Intangible Losses led by the Armenian Genocide for Reparations and Restitutions.

The aim of our Center is to conduct an inventory, accounting, analysis, audit, qualitative assessment and judicial examination of material and non-material losses and losses arising from the Armenian Genocide for reparation and restitution.

The International Independent Legal and Scientific Center of Evaluation and Expertise for Reparations and Restitutions (Full name of the Center: The International Independent Legal and Scientific Center for Accounting, Analysis, Inventory, Auditing, Qualimetric Assessment and Judicial Expertise of Material and Intangible Losses due to the Armenian Genocide for Reparations and Restitution),

supports appeal of head of the International women’s union of Hamshen Armenians «HAMSHENIAN», the deputy of the Parliament of Western Armenia Saida Ohanyan on submitting Garo Paylan as a Nobel Peace Prize nominator for 2020. It has also turned to the Nobel Committee asking awarding Turkish MP (elected from the pro-Kurdish Democratic People’s Party), who devoted his whole life to protecting the violated rights of Turkish national and religious minorities and the region. Garo Paylan deserves the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize for his contribution to protecting the rights of ethnic and religious minorities, human values and rights, ensuring the rule of law, preventing genocide and promoting peace and security in the region.

Mr. Paylan is an ardent advocate of the most fundamental international legal instruments in the region, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the European Convention on Human Rights and the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

He is a vivid bearer of democratic and humanistic values, a fighter for peace and security in the most explosive region of the world – the Middle East.

From the rostrum of the Turkish Parliament, Garo Pailan speaks loudly to the entire region, condemning Turkey’s aggressive policy and military intervention in neighboring sovereign states, especially full-scale military operations in Iraq and Syria.

Paylan is one of the few who openly opposes the tyranny of Recep Erdogan, taking responsibility for the protection of humanist values, democratic institutions, national and religious minorities.

His open struggle for peace in the region and the world is a symbol of a free, peaceful future for the region.

The seeds of peace, tolerance and mutual understanding between people of different nationalities and religions sown by Palan give positive results in Turkish society.

Garo Pylan’s activities are taking place under conditions of a real threat to the life of the deputy from pro-government nationalist and extremist forces.

We are convinced that the positive decision of the Nobel Committee to award Garo Peylan the Nobel Peace Prize will allow the Middle East to show that modern civilization knows the heroes of our time and is ready to support them in their struggle for a brighter future for new generations.

The Center and its representatives appeal to all humanitarian, scientific international organizations, representatives of the scientific and creative world and academic circles separately and together in order to present Garo Paylan for the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize and give their vote in favor of Garo Paylan as a great humanist of the modern world of civilization.

The Center assures that the Nobel prize of Mr. Paylan will make a significant contribution to the establishment of Peace in the hottest spot on our planet, in the Middle East and will serve the cause of peace and harmony between peoples, solve today’s challenges and stop the threats of the modern civilization to preserve the cultural heritage of all peoples of the world.

Academician Martik Y. GASPARYAN,

Head of the International Independent Legal and Scientific Center of Evaluation and Expertise for Reparations and Restitutions,

Vice-president International Academy of Spiritual Unity of Peoples of the World,

Member of the Eurasian Scientific Expert Council on Science and High Technologies,

Member of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences,

Academician Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russian Academy of Arts, European Academy «EWAN», professor.


February 17, 2020

Категория: - Западная Армения | Просмотров: 1149 | Добавил: admin | Теги: Hamshenian, Garo Pailian, Саида Оганян, Нобелевская премия, армения, США евреи Израиль Чикаго, геноцид, Турция, ARMINFOCENTER, Амшенка, Мартик Гаспарян, Saida Ohanyan, Каро Пайлян | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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